Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Day Off!!!!

I had a day off today - hallelujah!! I scheduled this for myself and I'm making sure I enjoy every minute. I treated myself to an hour massage and a facial at the spa, had lunch at the restaurant (with my hubby!) and then got my hair did. Nothing makes me feel better than remembering that I'm a girl. Sometimes I forget because I'm surrounded by so many boys! As much as I love them, I need my girl time. And the best part is that Jason will be getting off of work soon and we'll go on a date.
Right now, I'm waiting for him to come home. Michael is in our front room playing his Xbox and I can tell he's playing online because I hear him talking to the other players. Nate and Steven are down the street at Grandpa's and probably won't be home until tomorrow afternoon. What a great day!

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